Saturday, January 16, 2010

Try a Tri

So, I just signed up for the Deschutes Dash Sprint Triathlon. It is in July and my sister and brother in law and some of their friends also signed up and we are talking about getting a house for a three day weekend during that weekend of the Tri.

I am VERY excited and really hope I can get myself to actually work out and train for this one. You may remember that Summer of '08 I did my first sprint tri and didnt train like I should have. However, I finished the race alive so at least I know I can do it.

It was such a great feeling crossing the finish line last time so I am looking forward to doing this. Maybe I will be able to do the full Tri next time! :-) Plus, I really want to get into shape. I definitely have noticed my body changing and getting a little more chubby in certain areas so it it is time to stop being lazy and get my butt into gear!

Wish me luck cause Im going to need it! :-)


1 comment:

  1. I just signed up for my first 15K race here in Portland. I am so nervous. Good luck to you guys.
