Friday, November 20, 2009

A gift for Teacher Angela

I thought I would tell you about a very sweet gift I received the other day from a five year old boy in one of my gymnastics classes. (I apologize ahead of time for the really poor quality pictures!) Anyway, another instructor and myself teach a gymnastics class on Wednesday afternoons that has twelve 4, 5 and 6 year olds and we were starting class in a big circle going over the rules and everyones names and this boy comes running in a few minutes late and sits next to me and says "I have a gift for you, Teacher Angela!" I really thought nothing of it and had forgotten about it by the time class was over.

After class, I gave all the kids stamps on their hands and feet and walked into the lobby where all the parents are and where the kids were putting their shoes on and getting ready to leave and that boy came up to me and says "I have a gift for you!" and he hands me this Christmas stocking:

His grandma was right behind him and said that he had planned this all on his own. Him and I are both sitting on the ground and he helps me open it and he poors out everything that is inside:

Here is a closer look, first there is this small rose boutineer like thing in a plastic container with two foam smiley faces:
Oh, and the Christmas stocking was pinned shut with this pin:

There was also a flattened penny from tillamook and another random coin:

and three nickels:

You could tell how excited he was to give me this gift and he told me that it was mine to keep and I thanked him for such a thoughtful gift and even sent him a thank you card in the mail. It totally made my day to not just be given such a cute and sweet (& completely random haha) gift but to see how excited he was to give it to me and to know that these kids I teach and hang out with every week really enjoy having me as their teacher.

This gift also made up for the fact that this same boy on that same day had, on accident, jumped and hit me in the face giving me a swollen, bruised lip. haha! :-)


  1. That is so cute! I love all of the random items inside. What are you going to do with your 15 cents?
