Sunday, July 5, 2009

Wonderful weekend!

We had a wonderful 4th of July weekend and hope all of you did as well!

Our weekend started on Thursday night where we headed to Brandon's parents house to stay the night since Brandon was going golfing at the butt crack of dawn Friday morning! So I got to sleep in while he went out and golfed all morning. He came back and we headed to washington to his grandparents who live just after the looooong astoria bridge. We had a good time up there. We got to see his BOTH of his grandparents which was so great and spend some fun time with his family. We set up a tent and had a BBQ and sat around the fire. We headed back on Saturday and showered and then went over to my grandparents for their BBQ which is always fun and after that we came back home.

Today was a really great day. I woke up around 8 and started cleaning this apartment like crazy for some reason, which needed to be done so thats good. We ate and then headed to the pool and eventually came back and I gave him a haircut (he is looking even more studly then ever!) and we even made cookies together!

Overall, it has been a really nice 3 day weekend together and we are so glad we go to spend it with our families! Now its time for another work week and then another weekend of fun! Im getting my hair done Friday and then going to the coldplay concert and Brandon has his Bachelor party in Black Butte and I am having my Bachelorette party this weekend. FUN FUN!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend. Can't wait for the Bachelorette party! whoop whoop!
